In 1960 Jack Frost DeWitt started his brokerage business in the basement of his house in Clarence, New York. Jack grew up in Johnstown, New York and became an Eagle Scout at the age of 16 He worked in his father’s Five & Dime, business while going to school. With only a high school education Jack pursued a job at Bird’s Eye Frozen Foods.

He soon became a District Sales Manager and the company moved him across the country to open up a new divisions. After 10 years he ended up in the Buffalo, New York area and decided it was time to settle down with 2 young children and 1 on the way. After meeting a local food brokerage owner he joined the Catt Food Brokerage Company and fell in love with the business.

After several years Jack decided to go out on his own. Wife Harriet who was a first grade teacher thought he was crazy….. How can we live on just a teacher’s salary. Jack was determined to make it work and each morning he was up early.. shaved, showered and put on a fresh shirt & tie to head to the basement. He had set up a card table and ran an extension cord down through the ceiling from the kitchen to the rotary phone in the basement. (an unfinished basement) He had his rolodex of contacts and began making calls. A longtime friend in the business “Phil Carrigan” gave him a tip on a company in Scarsdale, New York. Coldwater Seafood was a company that imported fish products from Iceland under the name Icelandic Brand.

Through Jack’s persistence and follow up the relationship was formed in June of 1960 based on a 30 day contract. We still sell those same products today, now 64 years later under the High Liner Foods umbrella… Which has become one of the leading seafood companies in the world. 

"Quality, Consistency & Freshness" while focusing on the End User to build the brand and grow their business for the next 60 years!

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